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Selective Mutism Speech Therapy and Treatment for Children

Selective Mutism Speech Therapy and Treatment for Children Selective mutism is a complex anxiety disorder that is characterized by a child’s consistent failure to speak in specific social situations in which there is an expectation for speaking (e.g., at school), despite speaking in other situations (e.g., at home).

Goal Writing Resource Page

Click Here to Get a PDF Version of the Formula Carrie's Goal-Writing Tutorial Welcome to my Goal-Writing Tutorial!  I am Carrie Clark and my website is all about providing resources and activities for speech therapists and parents of children with speech and language delays. If you've found this

Making Inferences For Speech Therapy

How to Help Children Learn to Make Inferences An inference is when you use clues present (in text or in real life) along with your background knowledge to make a guess about something that's not explicitly known. For example, if you see an "out of order" sign, you

Writing IEP Goals | SMART Goals and Examples

Writing IEP Goals...The SMART Way! Writing IEP goals can be frustrating and intimidating...but it doesn't have to be!  Imagine that you show up to an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) meeting, whether you are a parent or a professional, and you see a goal like this: "Bonnie will

Final Consonant Deletion | Activities, Words, and Goals

What is Final Consonant Deletion? Final consonant deletion is a phonological process (pattern of speech errors) where a child drops off the ending consonants of all words. Final Consonant Deletion Examples: “dog” becomes “dah” “cat” becomes “ca” And “Please Mom, can I eat some eggs and toast?”

  • teach a child anything by fading supports

The Magic Formula to Teach a Child Any New Skill (By Fading Supports)

The inspiration for this post came to me while I was laying in my 10-month-old’s crib with him.  Yeah, I’m that mom.  But let me explain! My sweet baby boy was an excellent sleeper until he hit the 6-month mark.  Then, suddenly we went from one night waking to


The Ultimate Resource Guide for Speech Therapists and Parents   I thought it would be helpful to create a resource guide that includes all of the tools and tips that will help you in your work with a child with speech and language delays.  On this page, you will see

  • how to teach the /r/ sound

How to Teach the /r/ Sound with Christine Ristuccia

In episode 24 of the Speech and Language Kids Podcast, Carrie Clark interviews speech-language pathologist Christine Ristuccia, founder of "Say it Right" about how to teach that tricky /r/ sound.  This is great information for parents or SLPs! Who Is Christine Ristuccia? Christine Ristuccia, M.S., C.C.C.-S.L.P. is an

  • Apraxia of Speech Therapy with Nancy Kaufman

Apraxia of Speech: Speech Therapy Approach by Nancy Kaufman

Teaching Adjectives to Children: Activities and Worksheets for Helping Kids Learn Adjectives Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a rare, neurologically-based speech disorder where the child knows what he wants to say but the message gets mixed up in the motor-planning and execution phase so the sounds come

  • speech therapy for children with hearing loss

Speech Therapy for Children with Hearing Loss

What is Hearing Loss? The term hearing loss describes a problem with a child’s hearing.  Hearing loss can range from mild to profound.  A child with a mild hearing loss may be able to understand the general idea of what is being said but may miss certain sounds or specific details. 

Functional Communication: Goals and Speech Therapy Ideas

What is Functional Communication? Functional communication refers to the most basic of communication skills. This type of communication gets one's basic wants and needs known, such as "I want that", "I am hurt", or "I need to use the bathroom". These are not complex

Receptive Language Delay: Speech Therapy and Activities

Receptive Language Delay: Speech Therapy and Activities What is Receptive Language Delay? Receptive language delay is a broad diagnosis that simply means that a child has trouble understanding language.  This covers a wide variety of language skills and the child may have trouble with all of those skill,

Questions Resource Page

Asking and Answering Questions Children with speech and language delays often have difficulty asking and answering questions appropriately.  This is a difficult skill as it requires the child to understand what is being asked, process the question, form an answer, and speak that answer.  Or, if the child is

PECS for Autism | Speech Therapy Phases and Strategies

What are PECS? PECS stands for Picture Exchange Communication System.  PECS is a systematic way to teach a child how to communicate with someone else by handing them a picture of what they want.  This program was originally designed for children with autism but can be used

  • how to make communication boards

How to Make Communication Boards

How to Make Communication Boards: Communication boards are a great, inexpensive way to provide someone with a means to communicate who may not be able to speak yet.  Each board contains several pictures that represent different message that the person may want to say.  The person using the board

  • aac resource page

The Ultimate AAC Resource Page

What is Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC)? AAC stands for augmentative/alternative communication and describes any mode of communication that is not speaking with your mouth.  This may involve pointing to or exchanging pictures, using sign language, using an AAC device that will speak a message when the user

  • social skills for autism (adolescents)

Social Skills for Autistic Adolescents and Teens

Social Skills for Autistic Adolescents and Teens Today we're discussing how to teach conversation and social skills to older children who are struggling.  This may include children with autism or other social impairments. Social Skill Therapy for Autistic Adolescent and Teens: Join the

Speech Therapy for Autism: Activities, PDFs, and Info

Speech Therapy for Autism: Activities, PDFs, and Info Autism, also called Autism Spectrum Disorder, is a diagnosis that describes a group of children with a common cluster of symptoms, though the degree of severity for each of those symptoms varies widely from child to child. These symptoms include