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How to Improve Reading Comprehension

If you’re doing my March Reading Madness Challenge this week, now is a great time to try to improve reading comprehension for your child.  However, that's easier said than done.  Here are some tasks that will show you how to improve reading comprehension: How to Improve Reading Comprehension in

How to Teach Speech Sounds: Step By Step Guide

How to Teach Speech Sounds: Step-by-Step Guide In this episode, I give a step-by-step guide how to teach sounds.  Also, in the quick tip, I share how you can download my free e-book that gives you a step-by-step process for improving your child's speech at home. Listen

  • St. Patrick's Day-Themed Speech and Language Activities

St. Patrick’s Day Activities for Speech and Language

As the official sponsor of the color green, St. Patrick’s Day offers a great opportunity to work on speech and language skills while celebrating this fun holiday!  Try these St. Patrick's Day Activities with your child or in speech therapy with your students! St. Patrick's Day Activities #1:

  • Football-Themed Speech and Language Activities

Football Activities for Speech and Language

Happy Super Bowl!!  Ok, I confess I’m not the biggest football fan and maybe I enjoy the commercials more than the actual football playing during the Super Bowl, but I know how important football is to many of the little guys I work with!  The way I see it,

  • Speech and Language Activities for Car Rides

Car Ride Activities for Speech and Language

I know you're busy, and building speech and language work into your child's day is not always easy to do.  But most families spend some time during the day in the car.  Here are some quick and easy car ride activities that you can do while chauffeuring your little

  • Hot-Cocoa Themed Speech and Language Activities

Hot Chocolate Activities for Speech and Language

We’re right in the middle of winter now and one of my favorite winter-time treats is hot chocolate!!  This week, I'm creating hot chocolate activities for speech and language development so you can see all the fun you can have with it! For all my dairy-free and casein-free friends

New Year’s Activities for Speech and Language

Happy New Year!!  I know you’re looking forward to the new year and all the growth and changes your child will make over the next year, especially in the areas of speech and language!  Here are some New Year's activities that you can do with your child this week

  • Working Speech and Language Skills Into Meal Time

Working on Speech and Language During Meals

Are you interested in working on your child's speech and language skills but don't have the time to do it?  Here are some fun ways you can work on speech and language during meals and snacks that you have every day! Speech and Language During Meals #1: Request Foods

  • Tips for working speech and language skills into your bedtime routine

How to work speech and language into your bedtime routine

If you’re like most parents of children with speech and language delays, you would probably love to work on your child’s communication skills more but don’t have the time.  Here are some fun ways to work speech and language skills into the bedtime routine you do every day. Bath

  • Pumpkin Activities for Speech and Language

Pumpkin Activities for Speech and Language

Are you looking for some fun pumpkin activities that you can do at home to improve your child's speech and language skills?  Here are some ideas of how you can use pumpkins for some fun speech and language building time! Pumpkin Activities #1: Faces Vocabulary For this activity, you will

  • what is language therapy

What is Language Therapy?

What is Language Therapy? Language therapy is a very broad label for many types of therapies that a speech-language pathologist (SLP or speech therapist) can provide for children.  Language therapy addresses children with delays or disorders in the following areas: Listening Skills: How your child is able to understand