
Resource Type:


  • What is gestalt Language processing

Signs that a Child is a Gestalt Language Processor (and How to Help)

Signs that a Child is a Gestalt Language Processor (and How to Help) Did you know that there are two ways that children acquire language? Analytic Language Development:  Child learns to speak one word at a time.  When they have mastered single words, they eventually start combining 2+

  • Teaching Comparing and Contrasting Skills to Children

How to Teach a Child Comparing and Contrasting Skills

Teaching "Comparing and Contrasting" Skills to Children What are "Comparing and Contrasting" Skills? For this skill, we will help children identify when things are the same or different. Then, we'll help them describe how two items are similar or different by comparing and contrasting aspects about those items.

  • 5 inferencing activities for speech therapy

5 Inferencing Activities for Speech Therap

5 Inferencing Activities for Speech Therapy An inference is when you use clues present (in text or in real life) along with your background knowledge to make a guess about something that's not explicitly known. For example, if you see an "out of order" sign, you can use

  • perspective taking speech therapy

Perspective Taking Speech Therapy |Teaching Social Perspective Taking

Perspective Taking Speech Therapy Children with social language impairments can have a lot of trouble taking the perspective of others.  This can cause trouble with social interactions and navigating daily interactions.  Lauren DiBiase shares with us her 5 steps (plus a bonus step!) for improving perspective-taking in children.

How to Teach Sarcasm to Children with Social Impairments

Speech-Language Pathologist Carrie Clark shows you the best resource for teaching children with social impairments how to understand and use sarcasm: Source: More Resources for Speech-Language Pathologists: Looking for more therapy ideas and resources to help you provide the BEST services to your clients? 

Teaching Children to Repair Communication Breakdowns

How to Help a Child Repair Communication Breakdown "Communication Breakdown" is what we call it when something goes wrong in a conversation and there is a misunderstanding.  Our communication can break down for a number of reasons but most of the time, we are able to clarify the

SOTB 10: A Controlling Child with Autism who Can’t Take Turns, Interview with Maureen Wilson

Today I am joined by speech-language pathologist Maureen Wilson from who helps me brainstorm ideas for a 5-year-old with autism who won't participate in anything unless he controls the whole thing. Links and Notes: The Speech Bubble SLP: Control The child needs that control Try social stories

Social Skills Activities for Middle Schoolers: Speech Therapy Goals and Ideas

Social Skills Activities for Middle Schoolers: Speech Therapy Goals and Ideas Many of our children with language delays also have trouble with social skills.  This may be due to certain conditions that impair social skills, like autism, or it may just be because these children have trouble learning

Middle School Speech Therapy Activities

Middle School Speech Therapy Activities Are you a speech-language professional or parent of a middle schooler with speech/language problems?  If so, you've come to the right place!  Check out my fantastic speech therapy resources for children in middle school. Join the Hub to Access

Making Inferences For Speech Therapy

How to Help Children Learn to Make Inferences An inference is when you use clues present (in text or in real life) along with your background knowledge to make a guess about something that's not explicitly known. For example, if you see an "out of order" sign, you

Idiom, Figurative Language Speech Therapy Activities

How to Teach Idioms and Figurative Language to Kids and Teens Have you been bending over backwards trying to teach your students idioms? Are they left high and dry when idioms are used in their classrooms? Well I’m going to take the bull by the horns and knock your

  • social skills for autism (adolescents)

Social Skills for Autistic Adolescents and Teens

Social Skills for Autistic Adolescents and Teens Today we're discussing how to teach conversation and social skills to older children who are struggling.  This may include children with autism or other social impairments. Social Skill Therapy for Autistic Adolescent and Teens: Join the